
Monday, 25 June 2012

Photography and being interactive

Just pondering the possibilities with time lapse photography on a transglobal journey.  It's not just as simple as strapping a camera to something and going at it, there are so many possibilities! Views coming and going, various compilations depicting activities from around the world, all from a car's perspective.

But why stop with just post-edited content? With today's technology, shouldn't it be possible from most places globally, to provide directly streamable content of the journey?

In what ways can the journey, taken by a few individuals, be experienced and enjoyed the world over? I would love to see specific events and challenges, and have it possible for people to watch us coming days in advance. I can't imagine a more enjoyable journey than one were the audience is involved long before it's finished, not just an afterthought on how to make it entertaining.

I do have quite a few ideas kicking around, and I will get them up for consideration and review - but drop all the suggestions you have!

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